Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Internet is forever...

Perhaps I am paranoid. (Thanks for that dad!! lol) Perhaps I am just not a social person.(Thanks mom! lol) Or, perhaps I just don't need the world knowing all of my shit at all times.

To be honest, I can not comprehend how some people put the information they do on the internet.  I am pro staying in touch with people. I enjoy talking to friends from high school or from when I lived in Florida. I even have about 20 or so people I friend-requested just because I needed people to add to my stupid Facebook games. (don't judge!) However, all of my info and pictures are completely private. Only my friends can see them. Not friends of friends even. I do not want pictures of me and/or my family floating around to god knows where.

I do not need people knowing where I am and what I am doing 24 hours per day. I don't like those apps that check you in to places and show a map of where you are. I don't like posting status messages detailing my every move for the next 3 days. People do not need to know my son's eating/sleeping/shitting habits.

They also do not need to know details about my personal relationship with my husband, friends, or family. I admit it, I vent often on FB. But it's usually due to sleep deprivation more than anything else. I do not post when Marc and I are fighting. I do not post when I am angry at my sisters or brother, or cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Those are OUR personal problems and I can tell you right now, posting it on a public forum may help you feel better for a moment, but then, one of your stupid friends are gonna say something in response to it. And then that person that you love so much will see it and react. And then you have a bigger problem then who ate the last english muffin on your hands!

That being said, I will give you an abridged version of something that happened with Marc and I and where I went wrong. We had a fight. Married couples do that. I said some nasty things to him, he said some nasty things to me. (for those of you who know Marc, I SWEAR he did!! lmao) For those of you who don't, the man is pretty much a saint. He is patient and easy going and completely devoted to our son and I. So for him to say mean things, you can imagine how far I had pushed his buttons. Well, like a dramatic 16 year old, I ran to my parents house angry. And told my dad what happened. My dad being my dad took Marc's side and reminded me what an asshole I can be and how stressed out we both are and to just relax and go home.

My father is not exactly the calmest, most mild mannered person as most of you know. But he looked at the situation objectively as someone who knows how nasty I can be when I am angry (again, thanks dad! lol) and I went home. A few days later we were talking and he gave me some great advice. I will forgive Marc and Marc will forgive me. We know that the things we said were in anger and not how we actually feel. However, other people may not forgive/forget the things that were said. They will hold it against him or I at a later time.

He is my dad. He will protect me until the day he dies. He could have been nasty to Marc the next time he saw him for the things that were said. He wasn't. But it really made me think. Too often do people offer up so much personal information about their life. Had I been like a lot of people on my friends list, I could have posted what Marc said, just like he could have posted what I said. Then our friends and families would have seen it. Then they would have commented. And then we have bigger fires to put out because things are being taken out of context, OR, your significant other is a private person and doesn't need people they don't even know, all up in their shit!

Just think before you post. The internet is forever. Think about that before you post that picture of you passed out drunk with a dick drawn on your face. You might have kids one day. THAT'S the image they wanna post on the board for Star of the Week!

1 comment:

  1. You have a VERY wise father! And you, my dear, are very wise as well---

    Every couple needs to experience what you're experiencing. It's how relationships grow and deepen, despite the fights.

    Many people don't seem to care about their own privacy!

    Excellent posting!
